Dec 15, 2009

HW 29

We know that many companies is manipulating us by showing us things that they know we like. So if we know this what's the big problem? I feel that main problem is, it's not the way to live life. If it continues, teens will become a advertizment zombie. Not only that, but this type of manipulations messes up teens view on life. They feel they must be sexy to get attention so if they rock something very popular and expensive, then they will feel important. Having that perspective can cause depressions, low self esteem that can stay with a person forever if it gets worst. So companies are not only manipulating us at the moment, they will permantly damage the view of life on a teen if there too blinded to see it by now.

Advertisements should be band for all kids and teens. By the time your an adult, you should know to live your life and what you need and not only have desires for cool things. When your young, your sculptured by ads. They show little girls with barbies and then when you go to school, all the little girls in the school are playing house with barbie. If your the little girl that doesn't have one then your not considered cool. This shows how ads develope our lives over the period of time.

If Companies didn't manipulate teens, then where would people get their styles and ways from? So in a way, advertisements are the glue to cool. It's a win win situation. Teens get what they want and companies get money. So they are manipulating us to think things in a certain way, not really the items.

Dec 3, 2009

H.W 26

gucciiaddiict: My style is ova cool
gucciiaddiict: Lol
gucciiaddiict: Without name brand clothes I styll feel da same its jus I love fashion so wen I qot on namebrand it makes me feel betta .. I qet many compliments which brinqs my attitude up
gucciiaddiict: N yes I thynk I wud have da friends I have witout namebrand clothes cus already I dnt have much friends
gucciiaddiict: Jus qroupies
gucciiaddiict: So without my qear I thynk I wud have more real friends
gucciiaddiict: Who loves me for me not da clothes n fame

Why do you wear the clothes you do?
I wear them because I like them and I'm comfortable in them.

How do you feel when you wear name brand vs no name brand?
I don't feel any different but I feel like people notice my clothes more when I wear name brand versus no name brand.

Do you think your style is cool and why?
I think my style is cool because it's me. I don't dress to impress anyone and I don't copy anyone's style. I wear what I want when I want.


Why do you wear the clothes you do?

I wear the clothes I do because it makes me feel sexy

How do you feel when you wear name brand vs no name brand?
When I wear name brand clothes I feel like I just spent a whole bunch of
money versus no brand where I didn't spend that much money on them.

Do you think your style is cool?
I think my style is descent

Informal Research/ Family (Mah booo) h.w 27

1)If you can describe your style what would you say?

My style is me. It's whatever I feel like wearing that day. I can throw together outfits or plan them out thoroughly. Either way I look good : )

2) If everyone had the same clothes on, how would you determine if someone was cool?

I think personality is what makes you cool not clothes. You can look really good but if you not down to earth and chill then your not cool in my book.

3) Choosing between two people who would you say is cool? The girl who is stuck up but has the latest fashion and has all the attention is school who happens to be your older sister, always giving you money, OR the girl who wears No name brand, has no friends because she seems odd, who always wears her hair in a ponytail who always helps you with your homework when your struggling.

My sister would definitely be cooler because she's my family. Anyone related to me is a g. The girl may be cool in another nicer way.

4) If everyone around you seemed cooler then you, What would you do to fit in?

I mean I don't consider myself to be up there in the "social ladder" at school but it doesn't really bug me. I don't want to fit in with people who don't like me for me. So basicallly if I can't be myself around you then I can't be your friend.

5) Is being cool the same as the desire for having attention?

I think if your cool attention comes with it. People who are trying to be cool are those who have the desire for attention.

6) Can a murderer, stealers, liars, players, smuts and 2-faced people be considered cool in our society?

A murderer and theif can because they have the balls to do whatever illegal thing they did. Liars and two faced people are definitely not cool. It's looked down on to be these two things. Players and smuts can vary. They can be cool because it means they know a lot of people, usually chill at all the right places, and act the right way but to me they're not cool.

7) Do you want to be famous? Why or why not?
Lmfao. Ummm who doesn't want to be famous?! I would want to be famous because that way I can affect more people's lives but then I wouldn't because I don't want papparzi folloing me around or the rumors that come with it.

8) How can being cool, Benefit you?
If I were cooler I might not get into so many arguements because "cool" people would like me. It might also help with interviews or with meeting new people. Confidence is looked up on as being cool.