Feb 16, 2010

H.W 40


1) How would you make school fun?

(Steff, Teen, Female, Hispanic) Id make school fun by having more time in between classes, instead of making boring lectures i would make funny power points, and movies that keeps everyone entertained but still teaches everyone something. I would also make sure that everything connects to something that everyone finds interesting such as math problems connecting to the cost of the newest Jordan's or anything that relates to something fun.

(Mom, Adult, Female, African American) Play music during P.E, Create a ten-minute break for each class to go the bathroom and stretch our legs.

(Meesha, Teen, Female, African American) Listen to music during lunch and cell phones to call our parents in case of emergencies.

FOLLOW UP: Why do you want to listen to music during lunch? How would that change anything

People would have more fun rather than be bored

(Te’Von, Teen, Male, African American) I would make my school..Edward R Murrow more fun..by giving kids back there Optas (Optional time activities) and allowing kids to have a bit more freedom...freedom meaning allowing us to go get lunch outside of school with no issues and not being harassed by deans...

(Christina, Teen, Female, Hispanic) if I could make school fun, we could make school work more about things in our life so it gives us a more realistic out look on work and will be more into the classes and have more fun.

2) How would your feelings change if you can construct your own curriculum? what would you change?

(Steff, Teen, Female) I personally wouldn't trust myself making my own curriculum but curriculum that is entertaining and relates to something i want to learn about would be better then some of the things i am learning right now. I would change though how we learn pointless math that we forget the next month, and how we read documents about the same topic that just gives us the same facts just written differently.

FOLLOW UP: How does the school hours effect you?

It would also help if the amount of hours spent on homework was changed, teachers shouldn't give us work that’s going to take 3 hrs to do unless its a project that is given over a long period of time. Not getting enough sleep effects how much information we retain.

(Mom, Adult, Female) Change school hours to 10am-2:30pm, giving us extra sleep time in the morning. Also longer hours seem to cause stress on students which is a negative effect on school work, students tend to lose focus and that effects grades so shorter periods of time is better.

(Meesha, Teen, Female) Less students for each class to get a better learning experience and more attention from the teachers.

FOLLOW UP: How can that make learning better?

It helps people focus more and people would actually want to learn more and have a better bond with the teachers instead of catching an attitude if the teacher cant help them.

(Te’von, Teen, Male) umm my feelings would probably be more excitement towards skool because I’m able to choose my lessons and I believe I can make a lot of
kids want to come to class because of the lessons I would help provide..what would I change...the whole set up really...mix it up sometimes

(Christina, Teen, Female) I think I would feel relaxed if I could make my own curriculum, if I could change it I would make it based on how I learn and how I work. I
could make it so participation isn't worth so much because I don't feel comfortable saying answers out loud cuz, I would make hw worth more because it shows that u go home and study what you just learned, and it shows that at least u try. I wouldn't make test and quizzes worth so much because not every ones on the same level on taking test and quizzez.

3) How has education contributed to your life?

(Steff, Teen, Female) Education has definitely made me appreciate everything i have and how i shouldn't take simple things such as desk and books for granted. Education has also made me realize that no matter where you come from or what your involved in you can become who ever you want to be as long as you set your mind to it (it sounds corny but its true)

FOLLOW UP: Was there a time in your life where you wanted to give up? You thought life and school was useless? If so what changed your state of mind?
I always thought it was useless until I realized that high school effected which college you can get into.... so I changed my attitude and striven for good grades and lessen the amount of trouble I got into.

(Mom, adult, Female) It gave me parenting skills, social skills, and to be a good person.

(Meesha, Teen, female) It has taught me to be prepared for college and adult responsibilities in the future and to stay focus at all times.

(Te’von, Teen, Male) ahh man...umm Education Plays a big Factor in my life...just knowing things with the experience provided from schools are huge and can play a
big factor in anyones lives..I have 4 little brothers that look up to me..now if I chose the path not to go to school or stay in a certain educated state of mind then that would effect them negatively...I like participating in class room activities and I like to feel like I’m above in my work inside and outside the classroom

(Christina, Teen, Female) education contribute to my life because as I look around and see things when I see a word or something I know what it is and I don't have
to wonder what's the things around me in my world because I know from going to school.

4) How do you think students should be graded? Why?

(Steff, Teen, Female) Well i do know students shouldn't be graded off of test and quizzes they make some people nervous and a lot of kids are just bad test takers, so there future shouldn't be based off of pointless questions. I guess students should be graded off of projects and how they contribute to the class and if they try to understand and retain all the information that they are taught.

FOLLOW UP: What about school stresses you the hell out?

Knowing that every little thing we do in school is watched and graded is stressful, your always trying to make a good impression but then there are days that your just done with all the work and don't want to be bothered and that day is the day your grade drops 3 points because you forgot 1 assignment... school shouldn't be based off the way you act in the halls or outside.

(Mom, adult, Female) They should be graded according to their work or lack of work, so that you'll know how much the student understands or not understand.

(Meesha, Teen, Female) Students should be graded on what they learn in school by giving them quizzes at the end of the week

(Te’von, Teen, Male) umm lol I believe students should just be Graded on participation. Not H.w or test because not everyone is the best test taker..and u can copy h.w from anyone..but if u participate when the teacher asks u a question that proves that you know the answer with no help..but reading can't hurt a bit just to know what you are talking about:)

(Christina, Teen, female) I think every student should be graded individually, because everyone is different and one curriculum can't please every kids differences.


i picked the top 5 interviewees for this because many others did not think they way i asked them too. While i was asking them, they said broad statements and when i asked follow up questions, Some seemed annoyed because i wanted them to go deeper for themselves and to spark new ideas of interest but with majority of them, They did not. So thank you guys for actually thinking and giving back very good and spicy answers. =)

What i find most interesting about the answers that everyone gave me was
how students should be grades. Everyone gave out very good points. I can't disagree with one of them and it makes me wonder how can students or government change it so everyone can be graded fair. But then again what is fair? Are we supposed to be graded on how much we know, how our minds are progressing? or If we are able to do the work that teachers give us? Its impossible for grades to be accurate if there are so many kids (With different levels of learning) being graded together.

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