May 4, 2010

h.w 52

Many people are connected in ways we have never thought of. its mainly called networking. But i really dont understand the true meaning to all the relationships we have and how they are significant in ones life. So to try to get a better understanding i broke it down in ways that i think will help me get a BETTER understanding.

Everyone has a goal and what drives them to want to achieve that goal is motivation. Motivation is having inspiration to do or complete something and are ready to do is. I have many goals and the first one as of now is to graduate and get into college. what motivates me is seeing those who succed and those who did not. Those who suceed seem like they know know what they wanted in life, went for it and are now living happy and thier career is going well. Those who didnt fully do what they want to do are doing things just so they can have income, not really happy with thier jobs or either on the treats. thats what i dont want to be so it motivates me to do well because its worth it. I want a career. not a job. many people in society drive to become successful and be rich or happy. That is because when your rich you can get what you want whenever you want. These motives come from what they have observed in life as well as i did.

My views on life are very much different from other peoples views on life and certain situations. I like to look at things through many different views, mostly in an optimistic view because negativity (as i experienced) is not good for the soul. I guess another reason i try to look at everything positive is because i believe in god and i know that he will handle any situation he has put you in. Its as if the more negative a person is, negative things happen to them.

One time my friend said she knew a boy who did something wrong and it hurted his girlfriend. so before she can fully forgive him she told him to write a poem for her and he did just that. Now as for me i think thats adorable because he messed up and is giving her what she wants so they can be back on track. its rare that a boy will do that. some will not because they may feel it interferes with thier ego which is stupid now a days. other people may look at the boy as a punk because he is doing what ever his girlfriend tells him. They will assume that based off this situation. Its a possibilty many girls would want a boy who does that because its not common.

I feel as if views come from ones surroundance and experience. If you had an experience in life then you will be effected by it and that will determine your views on anything else in life. For example if one has been neglected as a child or didnt have the love from both parents, then as they grow up they will either be the ones starving for attention all the time or the quiet one with no friends. Thier views on life will be based off of what has happened in thier life. Also if one has always been hurt in relationships and lied to they will feel like everyone is like that. thier views on relationships will be negative because of thier past relationships. So by relizing all this everyones views on life really comes from relationships we are in and the ones we see or dont see.

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