Sep 27, 2009

Video Project 1

What I do on My Spare Time from jenise l on Vimeo.

While watching the Video of myself, I realized digital representations devcices alternate my moods. While playing Madden i was ok but after that i got upset, walked away and went to make music, all because the other team made a touch down. I also thought to myself, if i wasn't able to make music myself, not have a computer or a keyboard to make my music possible, what will i do?!?!?! I really don't even know.

While playing the video, i was bored at first so i decided to do it to spare time but while playing i feel like im not in reality. I can't explain but i just feel aprt of the game. I play like it's really not a game. im way to into it. WHile looking at myself play it, i feel like i just wasted my life uselessly and could of been doing something more valuable.

While recording and playing the keyboard i was into it. i felt real calm and mellow like it was my therapy. Looking at myself do it, I feel good. it just makes me wonder, what were other ways artist's recorded with out using digital Representation devices. What i could say is, it was hard to play the piano on the keyboard because i had to hit it hard for the sound to come out right at times. When playing a grand piano, i do get a different feel from it. I enjoy using a Yamaha Grand piano rather then these e;ectric keyboards. You really lose the essence of playing.

Sep 22, 2009

Interviews and Surveys


While walking around Park Avenue we interviewed some strangers asking them how long should their kids be on the computer, watching t.v, playing the video games etc. We also asked how much was too much. The Janitor across the street in front Of Baruch College said that 3 hours was too much but yet his kids watch it all the time he claimed. The bagel guy, who seemed like he wanted us to hurry and get out of his face with questions said 1 hour is enough. Now we all know that's BS. The lady in Papoose said that 5 hours is too much but 4 is ok. What really got me upset was when Cindy went to the lady who say us coming, who then puts her ipod on. She acted like she didn't see Cindy put she smiled which indicated she knew Cindy was talking to her. When she finally pulled out her head phones, she then says she didn't know if she can answer the question because she didn't know if she was going to stay on the line in Dunkin Donuts or go to work. We then left because we knew she was a phony. She put her Ipod back on and stayed on the line.

Doing these interviews in the street mad me realize how people use Digitalization as an excuse to socialize with people. With anyone matter of fact. I guess it's because when your texting or iming you can either take a long time to reply or even clothes the window. It really made me realizing how the world, well our society is starting to lack them skills. I hope it doesn't get worst.


I'm asking her during a commercial of her favorite show;

Me: How do you think Technology has impacted your life from your past to
MOM: (Mumbles: Never even thought about that). It helps me not have to
remember no phone numbers(Laughs). I Take advantage of it and See it
more convient and better.
*Back then it made people think to remember numbers which connects to
the idea brought up in class by Carrie and others how we tend to get
lazy now.*

ME: Do you realize your moods when you watch t.v, use the phone, text?

MOM: I watch t.v to relax me, "i get a kick out of texting". Its a new
technology for me and im fascinated.
*It fascinates others who have never grown with it, reason why teens are
so addicting because we always have it. The sense of technology is like
a therapy, calming us down when we need it.*

Me: Why do you think people have profiles on the web or are always updating
their status's on aim, facebook, myspace, etc.?

MOM:A Sense of feeling important. To feel connected to others. "It's a big
world out there."
*People feel alone at times and use any resource thay have to feel
important. When one has a new friend request or comment, they feel so
great about themselves. I wonder how can they still feel that way with
out using any type of technology.*


I'm asking her these questions while she is on the phone;

Me: How does the digital representational devices make you feel?
Bestie: it makes me feel good, comfortable, social.

Me: If you didn't have it, how would that impact your life?
Bestie: How will i socialize? What will i do besides watch t.v

Me: Do you think it has brain washed you?
Bestie: Yes it has, Totally.

Me: What are alternative situations how one can come out of being brain washed?
Bestie: Find other activities, Reading, going to someone's house. I don't know what i will do with out them.

Me: What can you say about your life knowing you almost got hit by a car because you couldn't stay focus crossing the street with out taking 10 seconds to put your phone down?
Bestie: I would say that my life has been corrupted by these devices. I really don't freaking know. I'm a dumb bestie, let it be.

Me: When do you change your status's a lot of Aim? When your more happy, angry, sad, in pain?
Bestie: Change it more often when i'm angry and sad because im just writing how i feel. That's how this shit is.

Me: Are my questions annoying you?
Bestie: Not at all but that's annoying.

Me: If i was to text that question to you, Would you ignore it?
Bestie: Yes i would.

Me: Now do you think the reason many people say we are the dumbest generation, is because we don't know how to talk to someone in person?
Bestie: Yeah because going online, we say anything. We have technology doing everything for us and we have poor communication skills.

*Starts ignoring me so i decide to curse her out and then leave

Sep 17, 2009

My Comments To Others On Thoughts On the Ditial World

I like your thought process and I agree with what you stated. Your ideas are unique, something that I never even thought about until just now. I’m most positive that your saying since technology has advanced, the reason we do it is because we are lazy. Also wanting to do something easy, less work that's fun and takes up our time. I have discovered that when people are bored, instead of working out, reading or going for walks with friends, they would, (our generation) mostly will go online, text, and play video games, anything that does take up time I think you should go more in depth with occupying our time with the digital world. Also when you call humans "Animals" (not saying it's the wrong term" But do you choose that word implying our society is wild and crazy to use the digital world? Or it's making us wild? It's unclear to me. Other then that your ideas are strong. You made me recap these past few days I had with the digital world. I've been trying to cut down how much I use it, especially on my free time. It is kind of difficult because I’m immune to it. I feel the reason we use it the way we do is because that's what we know. If we didn't get introduced to it, i'm sure we would still survive this world and the little things, such as eating at dinner tables, physical communication, reading and much more, will be more valuable to us. I enjoyed reading your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing your new ideas or see the development with your thought process. See you in school tomorrow and have a nice day!


I agree with everything that you have stated in your post. Your ideas are very much clear, organized and well thought out. When you mentioned how you went back to get your cell phone, regardless of being late to school already, it does demonstrate the addiction we have with the digital world, Our generation has been growing up with all this technology around so therefore that is the reason we are attached to it the way we are and I agree with you with that aspect. We should be able to balance our “real world” with our “digital world” So we do not lose the essence of communication. When you stated how when texting or calling doesn’t have the same feeling as if a face-to-face conversation, it made me think of a lot. What i thought about was, If Barrack Obama said his speeches through a phone or through a text on the news where the viewers read it, do you think it would be a big difference in the way we see him? The situation? Or to our society in general? I think you should expand where you talk about how we have been growing up with the digital world around us and how it’s making us lack physical communication. Everything you said was great and couldn’t be said better. When you mention leaving your phone home and going back to get it regardless knowing you will be late made me think about the time’s when I left my Ipod home. My entire attitude will change and my day always goes bad. It does seem crazy but it’s the digital world is our life now. Now what I’m trying to do and I think many people should try it is don’t text or use any technology and see how our day goes. I Remember when Cindy said she just got her computer back and how she was kind of use to not having it for a while so I’m pretty sure if we chill out with using what we use a lot. We will not be so addictive to it. I enjoyed reading your post and can’t wait to see what other idea’s you discover, notice or wonder about! See you in school tomorrow. Have a good day.

Sep 14, 2009

HomeWork 3-Initial Thoughts


Music over the years have changed dramatically in the tech world. The way the music is produced mostly through itunes, Rhapsody, basically through eletronic waves. even through cell phones for ring tones or just to have it. Before artist sold there music on dj records then to cd's. Now, it seems that artist aren't making as much from their music after making a hit album. I say this because why buy the album when you can go to these sites where you can get it for free and download it on your ipod. Since technology has enhanced and more sites are being available and more torrents, people don't see how downloading free music effects the artist. You should give credit to the artist. I understand people may not have the money but you should give credit to the artist. There album should be worth buying if you checked out their songs and the same thing goes for movies. buying bootleg movies give the director no credit. I just think technology has made things good but worst too in different aspects.


People feel that the Internet making people, Especially teens lack in any aspect they see, most definitely texting. To me i feel like texting doesn't change the way i write in school in essays. If anything i feel like when you text you should write that same way you do when you write. It looks stupid when some people spell things wrong when the correct spelling was shorter. That's just how i feel. Also having Internet makes me gain more knowledge. I sure do take advantage of it. I'm not the type of person to be sucked up my Twitter, Myspace and all them Lame engines. I personally don't have time for all that. When writing my music i always use the Internet to look up words, ideas and background information about a topic. I just enjoy it an benefit from it so well.


Now cell phones are even better. They are beneficial to many people Very good to call anyone to communicate, Check up on and call for help. Now some phones are over rated, being used for many other things but in my world the are used for positive terms. It's like every one must have one and if you don't then it's like what are you waiting for. Same thing with having a computer desk top or laptop. Every home must have one.
I have a sidekick and i know in our society MANY teens have them but i don't see what's wrong with it. I do everything on here. Type my work, Make music, research, email and etc. I would say anything digital is addicting but for me i can live with out it.


It's fun to have HDTV when you have the right inputs and quality because it seems so real and up close but now i just feel as if it's a problem because since it's digital It messes up a lot and shows that are on t.v are really not. (I just hate that). T.V Is the best because it calms people down, Entertains them, they learn from it and it teaches people lessons. Besides all of that, it also helps Capitalist. The cable company and t.v show, actors and im sure there are much. I notice it brings people together. When you watch t.v with someone it's like you and the person connected, talked about it and enjoyed it. T.v is just the best.

Would trains be apart of the digital World?
Computer system talking machines are becoming more popular so how would digital decrease employment? I know it can because soon no one might work in the fast food restaurants. They will create technology hands like they do in factories. The digital World will cause issues down the road if not now.