Sep 22, 2009

Interviews and Surveys


While walking around Park Avenue we interviewed some strangers asking them how long should their kids be on the computer, watching t.v, playing the video games etc. We also asked how much was too much. The Janitor across the street in front Of Baruch College said that 3 hours was too much but yet his kids watch it all the time he claimed. The bagel guy, who seemed like he wanted us to hurry and get out of his face with questions said 1 hour is enough. Now we all know that's BS. The lady in Papoose said that 5 hours is too much but 4 is ok. What really got me upset was when Cindy went to the lady who say us coming, who then puts her ipod on. She acted like she didn't see Cindy put she smiled which indicated she knew Cindy was talking to her. When she finally pulled out her head phones, she then says she didn't know if she can answer the question because she didn't know if she was going to stay on the line in Dunkin Donuts or go to work. We then left because we knew she was a phony. She put her Ipod back on and stayed on the line.

Doing these interviews in the street mad me realize how people use Digitalization as an excuse to socialize with people. With anyone matter of fact. I guess it's because when your texting or iming you can either take a long time to reply or even clothes the window. It really made me realizing how the world, well our society is starting to lack them skills. I hope it doesn't get worst.


I'm asking her during a commercial of her favorite show;

Me: How do you think Technology has impacted your life from your past to
MOM: (Mumbles: Never even thought about that). It helps me not have to
remember no phone numbers(Laughs). I Take advantage of it and See it
more convient and better.
*Back then it made people think to remember numbers which connects to
the idea brought up in class by Carrie and others how we tend to get
lazy now.*

ME: Do you realize your moods when you watch t.v, use the phone, text?

MOM: I watch t.v to relax me, "i get a kick out of texting". Its a new
technology for me and im fascinated.
*It fascinates others who have never grown with it, reason why teens are
so addicting because we always have it. The sense of technology is like
a therapy, calming us down when we need it.*

Me: Why do you think people have profiles on the web or are always updating
their status's on aim, facebook, myspace, etc.?

MOM:A Sense of feeling important. To feel connected to others. "It's a big
world out there."
*People feel alone at times and use any resource thay have to feel
important. When one has a new friend request or comment, they feel so
great about themselves. I wonder how can they still feel that way with
out using any type of technology.*


I'm asking her these questions while she is on the phone;

Me: How does the digital representational devices make you feel?
Bestie: it makes me feel good, comfortable, social.

Me: If you didn't have it, how would that impact your life?
Bestie: How will i socialize? What will i do besides watch t.v

Me: Do you think it has brain washed you?
Bestie: Yes it has, Totally.

Me: What are alternative situations how one can come out of being brain washed?
Bestie: Find other activities, Reading, going to someone's house. I don't know what i will do with out them.

Me: What can you say about your life knowing you almost got hit by a car because you couldn't stay focus crossing the street with out taking 10 seconds to put your phone down?
Bestie: I would say that my life has been corrupted by these devices. I really don't freaking know. I'm a dumb bestie, let it be.

Me: When do you change your status's a lot of Aim? When your more happy, angry, sad, in pain?
Bestie: Change it more often when i'm angry and sad because im just writing how i feel. That's how this shit is.

Me: Are my questions annoying you?
Bestie: Not at all but that's annoying.

Me: If i was to text that question to you, Would you ignore it?
Bestie: Yes i would.

Me: Now do you think the reason many people say we are the dumbest generation, is because we don't know how to talk to someone in person?
Bestie: Yeah because going online, we say anything. We have technology doing everything for us and we have poor communication skills.

*Starts ignoring me so i decide to curse her out and then leave

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