Sep 17, 2009

My Comments To Others On Thoughts On the Ditial World

I like your thought process and I agree with what you stated. Your ideas are unique, something that I never even thought about until just now. I’m most positive that your saying since technology has advanced, the reason we do it is because we are lazy. Also wanting to do something easy, less work that's fun and takes up our time. I have discovered that when people are bored, instead of working out, reading or going for walks with friends, they would, (our generation) mostly will go online, text, and play video games, anything that does take up time I think you should go more in depth with occupying our time with the digital world. Also when you call humans "Animals" (not saying it's the wrong term" But do you choose that word implying our society is wild and crazy to use the digital world? Or it's making us wild? It's unclear to me. Other then that your ideas are strong. You made me recap these past few days I had with the digital world. I've been trying to cut down how much I use it, especially on my free time. It is kind of difficult because I’m immune to it. I feel the reason we use it the way we do is because that's what we know. If we didn't get introduced to it, i'm sure we would still survive this world and the little things, such as eating at dinner tables, physical communication, reading and much more, will be more valuable to us. I enjoyed reading your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing your new ideas or see the development with your thought process. See you in school tomorrow and have a nice day!


I agree with everything that you have stated in your post. Your ideas are very much clear, organized and well thought out. When you mentioned how you went back to get your cell phone, regardless of being late to school already, it does demonstrate the addiction we have with the digital world, Our generation has been growing up with all this technology around so therefore that is the reason we are attached to it the way we are and I agree with you with that aspect. We should be able to balance our “real world” with our “digital world” So we do not lose the essence of communication. When you stated how when texting or calling doesn’t have the same feeling as if a face-to-face conversation, it made me think of a lot. What i thought about was, If Barrack Obama said his speeches through a phone or through a text on the news where the viewers read it, do you think it would be a big difference in the way we see him? The situation? Or to our society in general? I think you should expand where you talk about how we have been growing up with the digital world around us and how it’s making us lack physical communication. Everything you said was great and couldn’t be said better. When you mention leaving your phone home and going back to get it regardless knowing you will be late made me think about the time’s when I left my Ipod home. My entire attitude will change and my day always goes bad. It does seem crazy but it’s the digital world is our life now. Now what I’m trying to do and I think many people should try it is don’t text or use any technology and see how our day goes. I Remember when Cindy said she just got her computer back and how she was kind of use to not having it for a while so I’m pretty sure if we chill out with using what we use a lot. We will not be so addictive to it. I enjoyed reading your post and can’t wait to see what other idea’s you discover, notice or wonder about! See you in school tomorrow. Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Jenise,

    I appreciate the different examples that you gave that supported my perspective on the subject. When you talked about how leaving your iPod at home will completely change your mood for the day, I can totally relate and it made me feel like you really made an effort to understand. Your question referencing the possibility about the president sending his messages out to the public via text or cellphones made me think. It brought up new questions in my mind. Would it be as effective if our presidential speeches were sent through emotionless texts? Will we still be able to sense the passion in his tone? Will we be as motivated and be as filled with hope as we do with every other presendential speech? I don't think so. Speeches wouldn't be speeches if you didn't hear them come straight out of the speakers mouth. You need to feel the words, not read the words and have to interpret their meaning yourself.

    It seems like you're more interested in what will happen if we decided to leave technology out of lives and I'm more into analyzing what will become of society if we DO stay attached to these items. So we're basically looking at the two different options for our future. I wonder if there is a mid point between the two extremes and what tha tmid point would be. We both though obviously feel like we've developed an attachment to the digital world and that we've become part of what it is. Do you think that this could wear off over time or is it something that will take up more and more of our lives?
