Sep 27, 2009

Video Project 1

What I do on My Spare Time from jenise l on Vimeo.

While watching the Video of myself, I realized digital representations devcices alternate my moods. While playing Madden i was ok but after that i got upset, walked away and went to make music, all because the other team made a touch down. I also thought to myself, if i wasn't able to make music myself, not have a computer or a keyboard to make my music possible, what will i do?!?!?! I really don't even know.

While playing the video, i was bored at first so i decided to do it to spare time but while playing i feel like im not in reality. I can't explain but i just feel aprt of the game. I play like it's really not a game. im way to into it. WHile looking at myself play it, i feel like i just wasted my life uselessly and could of been doing something more valuable.

While recording and playing the keyboard i was into it. i felt real calm and mellow like it was my therapy. Looking at myself do it, I feel good. it just makes me wonder, what were other ways artist's recorded with out using digital Representation devices. What i could say is, it was hard to play the piano on the keyboard because i had to hit it hard for the sound to come out right at times. When playing a grand piano, i do get a different feel from it. I enjoy using a Yamaha Grand piano rather then these e;ectric keyboards. You really lose the essence of playing.


  1. JENISE! I didn't know you were that dedicated to your music! wow XD

    I wanna hear your music! bring it in one day.

  2. Jenise,

    You look like you have a real passion for music. Besides the clip of you playing your video game, the rest of the video was composed of you playing your piano, rapping, and listening to music. I thought you made a good point when you compared the keyboard to an actual grand piano. A keyboard can never match the melody of a grand piano's. Like you said, "You really lose the essence of playing." This seems to go for many other things. I feel like technology can never replace the "essence" we gain from things that aren't digitalized. IMs can never replace real convos. Emails take away the essence of finding a long-waited written letter in the mail. Video games immerse you in digital reality incomparable to the feelings you get from your own real life experiences. And keyboards can never hit the nerves and give you goosebumps like grand pianos can.

    I found it intriguing when you said "I realized digital representations devices alternate my moods" and how you talked about how one loss at a video game could upset you. I can understand because even if the characters in a video game really aren't you, the fact that you're in control of them makes it you. So whatever failures they encounter would reflect on your abilities as a challenger.

    From what you wrote along with your video, music seems to be your outlet. When you get frustrated as you said from the video game, you turn to your music. It seems like a lot of people these days are like that. They would turn to music either to change their mood or to match it. Sometimes if I'm feeling down, I would play my favorite songs and everything would seem to go away. Would you call that escaping reality? Or is it a justifiable way of comforting yourself, to make your troubles go away even when in reality they're still there?

    Your video was cool. I feel like with your music, you aren't immersed in a bad way because your music keeps you in touch with your state of mind and with your feelings.

  3. Hi Jenise, you really tried to think about how your digital representation devices take away the "essence" like Carrie said in her comment to you. i liked how you tried and show the not normal types of digital representation, like your electronic key board and and singing/rapping through a mic. i feel like you are trying to show us how you live your life and what people usually have in their room, since most of it was digital items on the screen and there wasn't really many books, just a lot of empty space at the wall.

    I think that when you say "You really lose the essence of playing." i don't think its true, since grand pianos and electric keyboards make different sounds and each of them will not make the same sound as the other. this allow each instrument to match its music with different things and make a whole new verity of music in this world.

    You can't loose the essence if you never knew he essence was really there, people just got to open their minds to the possibilities, since in class all we can think now is that these digital things are ruining our lives and but with these things it can help us express each of our passions, like how no one knew you had such a passion for music.

    In other words this was a really insightful post and i would love to hear more about it in class.

  4. ESTHER,

    THanks, Once I finish my first album, I will most def let you get one =)


    I appreciate your Your understanding and kindness. I can tell that you understand my point of view on this idea.

    What was useful was when you asked did music escape reality. It really does because for me when i listen to it.I forget my problems and im calm. But once i take it off at times, the problem still remains. THen again it helps me deal with Reality. for example if im really upset and im about to do somethning i may regret, then listening to music prevented that from happening. it just depends on the situation.

    WHen you started talking about how the DRD can replace the essence in things, that was the same thoughts i had. In a way im'ing does make people lose the essence having a conversation with someone. For me now, i would rather im then talk because it's easier and there won't be no silence. i think society as a whole should start breaking these habits and change the way we do things.

    When people say what will we do without DRD it sounds like a dumb question because there is much to do. Write letters to stay in contact with people. it's really not hard to live with out DRD, it will be different. It's more convient having it but personally i think i can adjust to it.

    I think we should try it for at least a day to see how many people can do it. It will be cool. THanks for your reply. Can't wait for this unit to get more interesting.


    I like your honesty and thoughts from your own point of view. I liked when you talked about having the empty walls. In reality, i actually do have a book case it's in my sisters room because i don't have space so does that make a difference?

    Before i played a grand piano i thought there was no difference between the two. THere is a huge difference between the two and playing a grand piano has more beauty to it beside having different sound like an electric one.

    YOur right when you say how can people lose the essence if they never knew it exist. THat's the point i'm trying to make. Sying that all the DRD in many ways are making us lose the essence. Writing a letter on paper rather then an email would mean more to someone. Not everyone but some. Someone telling you they love you, rather then reading it in a convo means much more. THey won't know it unless they have experienced it before.

    I appreciate your comment and i hope we can expand on this "essence" topic.


  6. Great video.

    Can you change the blog's colorscheme so that it doesn't kill my eyes? Black text, light background, please.
