Oct 2, 2009



You seemed so engaged in your video. THe digital world had you captured up. Haha. i find it not suprising at all that you forgot it was recorded. It's like for one minutes your like ok your recording and you just want this homework to endbut then you get an IM or you start reading something that destracts you so quickly. should we be scared of that? should we worry about that?

I guess we can say that DRD disforms our body too. We forget all about it and we start doing weird positions that we would never do if we weren't emerged.

What i really thought was interesting and something i totally agree with is when you said: "I wouldn't mind if my child spent a lot of time doing this. I can understand why people are so hooked on it. But if it's up to the point where he stops having a social life or it takes away from the things he need to do such as schoolwork, housework, or spending time with the family then I would say the time spent with his digital devices needs to be cut shorter." THat is the same way i feel. I would let them use it to an exstent. If it starts to isolate them from the real world, it really is a problem. How can we really draw the line? how do we know the signs?

I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on your video and looking at your video. I hope we can do more projects like this.

Hey Vincent,

I love how you recorded yourself on the computer. WIth you in the corner browsing the sites. That was something unique. I liked how you browsed through different cites also, it shows how much you use the computer, not being obsessed with one site.

I do agree with Carrie about the answer to the question about your little sister od future daughter using it. You should at least think about that because your say has alot to do with them using it more or less. FOr example if you have that kind of attitutde towards it, it might just cause a hug issue as thier life goes on.

So i do agree that when you watch yourself on thescreen comparing to you using it, is a big difference. WHen looking it does make it seem fake but it's a total difference when experiencing it.

WHat do you think you would have been doing if you wasnt on the computer for them couple of minutes? Do you think that if they made technology more educational or uisng more physical activities, would people still be emerged the way they are now?

I really like the way you did your video. I think your the only one to do it in this way.

1 comment:

  1. Jenise,

    Thanks for pointing out how easy it is to forget things when we're so focused on only one thing and in this case, it's technology. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one with this problem.

    And the question you asked: "How can we really draw the line? how do we know the signs?" in regard of how much time we spend on the internet is a question I'm sure we've all tried figuring out before. It's a hard line to identify. I guess it all depends on the person. It made me try finding my own line. I feel like everyone should have an idea of how much time they be spending with this stuff, now how much they want to, but how much they should. This would encourage them to limit themselves and have a control over their technology-time sprees.

    Your thoughts consist more of analyzing the video whereas mine was more of just describing the moments in the video in factual form. Both of us though focused on the same topics such as time management, and the effects of emerging too deep into our DRDs.
