Oct 21, 2009


Feed at first to me was very confusing and weird and stupid. I had no clue it was going to be such a good book at the end. My fist reaction to the book i guess is how some older generations look at us teens when we use technology. I feel as if the point of the story is to show us how technology will become our life, control us to the point where we lose the essence of being a Human.

For our generation some mostly want something digital and we always use it. In the book, here we have a teen who is dying because of it. We won't literally day they way she did but im guessing the author wants to emphasize how DRD can make out generation much worst. It makes me think about those who say they can't live with out. That right there shows how they are forgetting how to live. I just would love to do s study to see how long my generation can survive with out using them, or just using them less.

In the book the feed was there 24/7. At first when Andy asked us if we wanted one i said yeah but now, i really don't. It's not worth it. That's the problem with many now. We want things right then and now with out being patient. We want to know where the book is quicker then looking and browsing books. Feed is for this impatient.


  1. Jenise,

    I like how personal your posts are and how you are able to connect a lot of the ideas you take from class and from the book to your own life. For example, you gave an example of how you took the old fashioned route of looking up schools in the book store rather than on the internet.

    I liked the topic you chose for your informal research, where you compared analog recordings to digital recordings of music. "Digital Recording methods have lowered peoples expectations of themselves in the studio." Basically anyone can become a singer now that technology is advanced enough to distort your voice and certain sounds in order to make it sound good. It takes away from the authenticity of music. But most producers and artists choose that over analog because it is more efficient and apparently makes the song sound "better."

    I realized how your DRD experiment is exactly the opposite of Feed. In your experiment you try to live without DRDs for a day, where you realized that you don't actually need to use this stuff and you figured out how to spend your time more "wisely." In Feed however, like you said, teens "lose the essence of being a Human" because they've turned into society's puppets. Do you think present day teens will ever realize like you did that DRDs aren't necessary and that by having it attached to their hips all the time that they're turning themselves into brainless objects?

    It might be helpful to probe your ideas a little more. Dig a little deeper and try to find out more aspects in the book that you think reflects the way our generation is today.

    Your experiment makes me want to try it out for myself. I've thought about doing it and I've probably done it before but I've never really looked closely at the way I was feeling without it. I have a couple of predicted outcomes but I want to actually see if they're true or if I would feel the same way you did after your experiment.

    Interesting posts and topics you picked for your informal research and experiment. Hope to read more. (:

  2. When reading your informal research i see you spent some time trying to analysis about your passion and not the typical stuff. You love your music a lot and you pretty much broke down it with this research and figured out whats in a big part of your life, and how others put it together.

    I think that by doing your experiment you really detached yourself from the world like you said, you got to relax and detach yourself from human drama. How you really think of this different experience of your life and look back to the other times you felt this way. But i wonder how else would you relax since there is so much digital stuff around you that we as humans just can't keep away.

    I agree with you that in the book it shows how he thinks we forgot how to live as humans and that it would be confusing with out more views than one, but is it true that people would want a feed, since this world is twisted as it is with all these mixed emotions of this world.

    I hope to read or hear more about your thoughts since they would be a good collection to compare to of this digital world.
