Sep 14, 2009

HomeWork 3-Initial Thoughts


Music over the years have changed dramatically in the tech world. The way the music is produced mostly through itunes, Rhapsody, basically through eletronic waves. even through cell phones for ring tones or just to have it. Before artist sold there music on dj records then to cd's. Now, it seems that artist aren't making as much from their music after making a hit album. I say this because why buy the album when you can go to these sites where you can get it for free and download it on your ipod. Since technology has enhanced and more sites are being available and more torrents, people don't see how downloading free music effects the artist. You should give credit to the artist. I understand people may not have the money but you should give credit to the artist. There album should be worth buying if you checked out their songs and the same thing goes for movies. buying bootleg movies give the director no credit. I just think technology has made things good but worst too in different aspects.


People feel that the Internet making people, Especially teens lack in any aspect they see, most definitely texting. To me i feel like texting doesn't change the way i write in school in essays. If anything i feel like when you text you should write that same way you do when you write. It looks stupid when some people spell things wrong when the correct spelling was shorter. That's just how i feel. Also having Internet makes me gain more knowledge. I sure do take advantage of it. I'm not the type of person to be sucked up my Twitter, Myspace and all them Lame engines. I personally don't have time for all that. When writing my music i always use the Internet to look up words, ideas and background information about a topic. I just enjoy it an benefit from it so well.


Now cell phones are even better. They are beneficial to many people Very good to call anyone to communicate, Check up on and call for help. Now some phones are over rated, being used for many other things but in my world the are used for positive terms. It's like every one must have one and if you don't then it's like what are you waiting for. Same thing with having a computer desk top or laptop. Every home must have one.
I have a sidekick and i know in our society MANY teens have them but i don't see what's wrong with it. I do everything on here. Type my work, Make music, research, email and etc. I would say anything digital is addicting but for me i can live with out it.


It's fun to have HDTV when you have the right inputs and quality because it seems so real and up close but now i just feel as if it's a problem because since it's digital It messes up a lot and shows that are on t.v are really not. (I just hate that). T.V Is the best because it calms people down, Entertains them, they learn from it and it teaches people lessons. Besides all of that, it also helps Capitalist. The cable company and t.v show, actors and im sure there are much. I notice it brings people together. When you watch t.v with someone it's like you and the person connected, talked about it and enjoyed it. T.v is just the best.

Would trains be apart of the digital World?
Computer system talking machines are becoming more popular so how would digital decrease employment? I know it can because soon no one might work in the fast food restaurants. They will create technology hands like they do in factories. The digital World will cause issues down the road if not now.


  1. This is a very insightful post about how in this world technology is created to help humans do better in life, but now it has become an addiction and has harmed us in many ways. I agree of what you are saying that people of the things we misuse in today's lives. Looking at all these things we abuse, like internet, cell phones and television i feel that its something i or we can never stop. I have never though of how taking of granted is wrong, like music or internet. people should be more aware of this situation, like you said "I would say anything digital is addicting...". Seeing people putting their lives into digitization today is very scary, even though people can live without it, it fills up peoples time and entertain them like you said. But i think you should explain more about how people would live with out digitization, you could think about the ideal world in your head. You could also fill the paragraphs with more ideas, since each are about repeating the same thing over and over again, though i liked how you connected the same idea to different things in the real world. I will see you tomorrow and maybe discuss it with the class ans see what they think about these thoughts.

  2. Jenise,

    I enjoyed reading your perspective and the positive attitude you have towards digital media. Unlike mine and Vincent's, yours seem to have a more positive approach to the subject. I liked how you explained why these advances in technology are so addicting and how you used your personal experiences to convey the message. You nipped it right in the bud. The fact that our phones and computers provide so many different usage options (emailing, IM-ing, texting, web surfing, calling etc.) and the fact that T.V. is a great way of socializing while at the same time entertaining is so true. These are the reasons why we are so drawn to them.

    I liked how you separated the text into 4 different sections, each focusing in on a different object. This goes to show how digital media has expanded and covers an array of different instruments. I wonder what's next.

    I thought it was interesting that you made the point about artists not being able to succeed to way they used to. The internet is all about free information and unfortunately, free movies and free music is part of that.

    I feel like from your explanation of what you use the internet for (for your poetry and stuff) that you're a great example of someone who uses the net meaningfully and beneficially. Instead of being hooked onto social networking sites you are using the net for what it was meant to be, to share and to learn new information and insights on certain subjects.

    The picture with the old couples was funny. It reminded me of the situation with Perez Hilton and how he decided to Twitter for help instead of calling 911 when he was attacked by Goes to show how people tend to feel the need for attention even during such serious situations. In my opinion, nobody needs to know what you're doing and thinking at all times. Like "Hey, I'm going to the bathroom!" Like okay, that's not even worth posting about. But it's this attention that a lot of people feed off from.

    Based on your blog, you seem to enjoy using these digital devices a lot. Do you ever see any flaws in them besides the fact that they distribute free music? Do you think you'd be able to go without your Sidekick for a long period of time?

    I really enjoyed reading your post and I appreciate the honesty in it. I feel the same way you do about technology, that it could be addicting, but when used the "right" way, the addiction doesn't always result a bad outcome.

    I appreciate your idea's and thoughts and kindness to my thoughts. I do agree that i should explain more in each paragraph but the reason i do repeat a lot is because I'm trying to stress my main idea but i can do that by putting it into different words. That is something i most definitely will work on.

    I love your Humor and connection and realness in what you saying. Especially the Perez Hilton situation. That is just ridiculous and i do agree the way some people use their away messages, Facebook status's or twitter is like a 24 hour clock. Personally i don't want to know your entire schedule. sometimes it's like a need for attention. When you stated the questions tome it made me realize when i bring up an argument i should have alternative views, which is something i will work on in the following post's


    I was trying to say that the digital world is both good and bad. I mean it really depends on how you use it because there are people now who don't use their phones, watch t.v, play video games or go on the internet as much as others. Such as adults, my mother has no clue how to use the internet,not even how to turn the computer on but she is surviving pretty well with out using it. (Vincent) Yes i do think the digital world has flaws such as you can Google anything, which is not cool because it can give people idea's. One time i even found my sisters information online. you needed to pay to get the information which is dangerous. I can't even rock with that shit. So yes Carrie there are many flaws that are uncountable.

    Your idea about how we use the things we use to take up time relates to the way we are growing up. The digital world controls are boredom and takes up much time but it relates with my idea of how we can survive with out it. What are possible alternatives to this type of situation? what other things can we do that are important to us with out using technology in anyway way? (I actually went to Barnes and nobles and read college books instead of using the internet and it felt REALLY different but it was something i can get use to because it was actually more easier. wierd?)

    We both have the same idea about how people use status's to say things no one really cares about. I think that can be connected to what we are learning in English class with Banach and how he states we really are alone in the world. Maybe we should do surveys to see reasons why people even write a status.
