Nov 24, 2009

Big Paper final draft

In Feed, the author emphasized very clearly how digital devices are killing our essence of human nature. Not only has it killed violet physically which is very dramatic but it stresses the fact that we are addicted to it and we live around it. When violet tries to tell Titus about the world, he doesn't care much, demonstrating how we are blinded by what's around us. We don't know half of the things that are going around in the world because honestly it does not entertain us. Since we are introduced to the entertaining life style, why do something that is considered boring. For example Titus and his friends went to the moon. Now if we can go to the moon in our feeds, we would not walk anywhere or be able to dream. All our dreams will be fulfilled and then what? This feed is like a rush through life. You get what you want right then and there. You get prices and shop and we are not born to do such. Many people do not even shop at stores, which can cause people to lose sale jobs. Instead we have programmed customer service people online helping you make a shoe order. The feed causes us to lose the essence of doing natural things we were born to do.

After looking at the video on my blog, which talked about the recording process of music, you will know the huge effect it has caused on artist. Since we can record digitally we are able to sing or rap a chorus and loop it instead of recording it again. When we mess up in a certain part, I can just cut the part and record just that part. So when recording artist would not have to worry about messing up. Before, we recorded with analogs and if you messed up, there was no recording just that part. You have to do it all over again. So you can see it gives artist less confidence when recording. Personally if I mess up when making a song, I start all over and record because when performing my song, I will look like a fool if I didn't say what I said in my song the same way. For example when some singers songs play on the radio we expect them to sound the same but that's not the case for some. Some sound horrible and then that tells the audience that music artists are fake. Music is all-digital. Music to me is not the same anymore; regardless of the stupid songs kids make, but auto-tunes is what makes music fake. It sounds hot making your voice all electrically and wavy but it's still not real. Music comes from the soul and you speak the truth but now it's a competition between who got the best dance song or auto-tune, nothing real.


There was a day I tried and didn't use my voice all day or the computer, something I use often for significant reasons. While doing this I caught myself connecting to me more. It's hard to explain but I was able to think more about what was going on in my life. So digital representations have been a distraction to me and since that experiment, I take more time out for me. I would write music, read, talk to someone physically or watch sitcoms, which causes me to think. I hear many people say they are lost in the world. They don't know who they are but with distractions around, many people might not find themselves at all.


When I was interviewing my bestie, I wouldn't say she was ignoring me but talking on the phone distracted her. It's weird to see how someone would rather talk to someone on the phone than talk to the person right in front of him or her. It shows how we are losing our nature to connect with other physically. We should want to connect with someone physically then over aim. Many people have discussions that need to be talked about in person so things can be clearer. Over aim, text, face book, etc, people misunderstand word making things more difficult.


Digital devices are interfering with connecting more. I realized many people I know couldn’t chat with people in person because either they don't know how too. We are immune to texting words because we can think about what we are saying, change a few words and then send. In person, you need to think before you can talk and your words can be confusing. When someone talks too much you just can't "close conversation". It just causes much friction between people.

In Feed Titus did not talk to Victoria when she really needed it. He lost the sense of emotions due to the feed but when reality hit him, that's where he came back and connected with himself and the situation. I just realized that we hide behind the screens. For myself, I hide behind music because I do not know how to deal with some of my issues. Maybe if we all stop hiding and face it, we can overcome many obstacles that are layed in our future.

While reading carries blog she mentioned how "...Maybe that's why people type "Lol" or "Jk" so much, to lighten the mood and let the other person know not the take it offensively. For example, "Whatever" can be misinterpreted as anger or rudeness if an "Lol" isn't added after it." This is so true. Back to what I said, when we text people can misunderstand what is said. So basically using these devices can cause more drama then necessary.

In WAll-E, the only way people talked was through the screen. Thousands of people around the same area yet, just like my best friend, they would talk to someone through a screen then physically talk. Not only do they have seats floating around, they have robots being their slave. As a whole society we are getting lazier.

Personally, after this unit I changed a lot or thought about things more. I realized the time I use doing not important things on the Internet. Instead of that I will do useful things such as learning something new. At night I will take time out, walk around and think about things. It's really relaxing and i'm glad I can do it.


To me this topic of digitalization is not debatable. Using these devices is not our nature. We hide behind our emotions through devices instead of accepting and trying to deal with it. We are losing our essence of communicating with others. It seems the only way people can meet others besides school, & programs, its through chat line networks. We are disconnecting from ourselves and I’m not saying digital devices are bad. Too many is distracted by it and it's not something we must need but because the way our society is structured. It's causing us to be dependent on it. I know that our essence in our human nature is not loss. We are blinded by it and it's time we unfold it.

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