Nov 24, 2009


"I'm just not understanding why she would do that to me. Yeah i know i was wrong at times but still that wasn't right. She went to the extreme." Is what Jose said to Malcolm after he ordered his Pepperoni Pizza. Malcolm shook his head, "That's not even cool. Just don't do what you said you was going to do. Two wrongs don't make a right and you-"

"No bro! I'm tired. You don't have a clue how i feel cause you Mr. Perfect. You never stress about anything and everything is just a "Let-it-be" situation. I don't get it!" Jose then snatched his pizza and walked out forgetting to pay for it.

"Sorry about that," Malcolm said calmly and aggravated to the cashier handing him the money for Jose's pizza. Jose was pacing back forth in front of the pizza shop taking big bites of his pizza every time he would pause. He was so upset he didn't realize Malcolm Staring at him still calm.

"Im not perfect Jose. I just know how to deal with situations." Jose then Stopped, grabbed his soda he threw on the floor and started walking toward the school. He then started to yell over music blasting through someone's apartment.

"You know everything right! Tell me what to do. Im trying, can't you see that!" He then finished the bottle of soda and threw it away along with the crust of pizza.Malcolm didn't say anything. He waited until the music toned down.

"Hey boys" Miss Johnson said struggling with the bag of groceries from Key-food. Jose managed to put on a fake smile and waved his hand and walked into the school.

Miss Johnson shook her head, "That boy looks real upset and always giving those fake smiles. I hope he don't do something stupid now"

Malcolm walks over to her, "Hey Ms. Johnson, Yeah i know. He is going to be alright though, Let me get those for you." He grabs the bags and helps her put them in the shopping cart. "You are such a gentlemen. Thank you sweetie. Yes your brother will be alright cause he has you," They both smile. "Thank you Ms. Johnson. Need anything else?"

"You did enough babe, i'll call Derick and tell him to come down. Go and find your brother now."

"No problem." He then ran into the school and went to class. Jose wasn't in class.

"Not at all! You suppose to be my boy and you violate me like that!" Malcolm ran outside into the hall and saw Jose's hands clenched in front of DJ, Who supposedly slept with Melanie, Jose girlfriend.

"First of all you need to back up. Second, I don't even talk to her like that. I say hello and goodbye. Simple," Dj said confused and stepped back. Melanie stood there and didn't say a word. Malcolm reached them.

"On a serious note right now Jose, i know you mad but we need to get a test done for Ms. Dion and you know damn well this grade will determine if you going to that college you want. Lets go," Malcolm said fed up with the drama. He gave Jose a light shove away from Dj and Melanie. Jose looked at Malcolm. He stood there for a minute then turned and looked at Melanie and then DJ.

"You lucky." Jose said and then walked with his brother back to class with out looking back.

This was the last period. Jose knows he wasn't in the mind of state to take the test. He kept thinking about the situation and it kept making him more upset.

"You can go Malcolm. i just want to stay right here." He put his head down with his arms crossed, putting his chin in his arms. Malcolm didn't want to leave him and didn't.

"I know how you feel. Like i was saying i'm not perfect. I been through it. I just never said nothing because no one can really help me with the situation but myself. Only you can help yourself right now. I'm just trying to guide you bro. Not everyone is your friend. You just learning that through a bad situation but just know family will always be family." Malcolm moved his chair in closer to him and looked at Jose who was still staring at the board with Glossy, puppy eyes. He then turned and looked at Malcolm and said in almost a whisper.

"How did you help yourself?" Malcolm Put his hand and patted his brothers back.

"Let god do what he gotta do. Let it be," Malcolm smiled and Jose laughed.

"I don't even know why i asked you that question."

Malcolm laughed, "but do you see me stress?"

"Not at all."

"So it should tell you something, Lets get going, I'm hungry," Malcolm said getting up shoving his brother head making Jose laugh. As they walked toward the door jose told Malcolm he will meet him at the pizzeria. He then jogged to Ms dion who was sitting on her desk grading the tests.

"Hey Ms. Dion, Sorry i came in late, but did you grade my test yet, if so may i know what i got please?"

Ms.Dion looked up and shook her head with a smirk, "Don't let it happen again. Yes i did and you need to wait until Monday but here look and then leave."

Jose smiled and looked at the his grade. 93. He was shocked himself, "Wow, I did good."

"You did great Jose," she smiled and he said thank you and ran to catch up with Malcolm at the pizzeria. He walked to him

"Yo jose my main man. Wanna do me a fav for a minute?" Derick gave Jose a five.

"What you need?"

"If you can just run this to my moms real quick."

Jose laughed, "Yeah if you get me two slices."

"No doubt i got you, Yo shorty let me get 2 slices," Derick yelled.

Jose walked out the shop and saw Ms Johnson sitting with her lady friends.

"Hey Jose, How you doing?"

He handed her the pizza and smiled, "Im fine Ms.Johnson, Derrick told me to give this to you, He ordering mines now."

"Thank you baby, Im glad to hear you fine. And boy your smile this time was a smile, Not like the one i saw earlier," She smiled and he laughed.

"Yeah Malcolm calmed me down. The boy has words of wisdom. I don't know what i would do with out-"

As he was talking he looked across the street and saw Dj with his crew, he counted at least 8 boys walking towards the pizzeria. Melanie was with them. They walked inside. Dj spotted him and pulled Melanie close to him, watching jose while making out with her.

"You alright jose?" Ms. Johnson said worried.

"Ye-yeah im fine., i think my food is ready, i'll see you later." He then ran to the pizzeria furious and Malcolm saw him, gave his food to Derick and held Jose back by pulling him outside.

"That don't look like no Hello and Goodbye to me!" Jose yelled. Dj looked at him and laughed but he couldn't hear what Dj said cause he was outside.

"Derrick take him up right-"
"Let me go Bro! What the hell!" Jose said said yelling and trying to brake free from Malcolm.

He didn't let go and took him upstairs. Derrick Followed still holding their food. They got upstairs and Malcolm followed Jose slamming the door leaving derrick in the living room.

"Im not even going to give another speech cause it don't seem to click with you. All im going to say is get locked or have a future kid cause i know once you put your hands on Dj, that's it for his life. I know you fed up with him. Get it through your head. THATS NOT YOU BOY!!" I don't need a dead brother." Jose never seen his brother that upset and just looked at him in silence. Malcolm walked out the room. He just sat there thinking about all the things he been through with situations like this. Always being betrayed by others. He knew his brother was right. He then fell asleep. Malcolm Walked into the living room.

"Thanks," he said to derrick who was watching the giants game. Derrick gave him the food and left to see his mom. He put Jose's food into the microwave and ate his. He then watched the rest of the Giants game and fell asleep.

Jose woke up hearing a knock on the door thinking it was his mom.

"He told me it was over and im not worth nothing, " Melanie said crying trying to hug Jose

"Guess what, He is right," he slammed the door in her face which woke up Malcolm. Jose went and sat down next to him.

"You real cool bro," Jose Said.

"I know, if only your breathe was like that right now," They both laughed hard.

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