May 22, 2010

Your The Man Performance...Performance show @ school

One thing i would like to explore based on the performance of the show is males perspectives on situation. He did play the role of different characters and how each was effected by a situation but i would like to know in real life, males perspectives on it. This is because in society we always here the females views and not all guys are the same. I wonder why men do the things they do and what do they really feel (excluding thier egos).

The discussion after the performance was very valuable because usually after people watch anything, sometimes they would talk about it but when there are adults, freshman and seniors in the same room we are able to go more in depth about a performance and hear different opinions. One thing in my discussion group was is it easier to be a female in society and we had many different views on it. I think it varies. It is a complex issue and having a big talk about it made me ask even more questions that was never thought of in my head. Also it made me think deeper than i would have if i just went to another class after the performance.

May 20, 2010


I thought it would be interesting to post this. I just took the myers briggs test again and before i was a ENFJ personaly train. Well know they say im a ISTJ!!! What a change. Im completely the opposite of everything i was just a few weekd ago except for judging. I just thought this was very interesting. It makes me ask the question does the results change depending on your mood??

May 17, 2010

H.W 57 Parenting 101

The majority of the younger kids in our society are not very kid like in my perspective. I hear them curse as if they are adults. I also hear them talk about things kids do not need to know about. When i see kids like that it shows me thier parenting is slacking or is not aware of it. Kids act out and speak about what they observe. If a child is in a house with adults drinking and talking about grown things. The child is going to hear that and talk the way the adults to. So parents need to keep thier child from bad company. If the parent is going to do a grown thing, they need to do it when the child is no where around or is sleep in thier room. Parents need to know that thier kid is very smart and pick up on things they dont think a child would pick up. its the small things that will effect the child. A parents needs to teach thier child to have respect for others at a young age so as they grow older they will have respect to others and know how to act at different locations. A parent need to teach thier child whats right from wrong and when they do wrong, it is the parents who needs to teach them a lesson so the child doesnt do it again. This is where parents go wrong and as they get older, the child feels like they dont need to listen to thier parent and they can do what they want. Basically a parents actions wil effect a child for the rest of thier life.

Instead of beating a child, (which helps sometimes) parents need to find an alternative. When a child does something wrong, make them do something they dont like so before they act, they will think about what they had to do when they got in trouble for doing that. For example my nephews teacher called my sister and told her that my nephew is always distrubting the class by getting up to sharpen the pencil when he is not suppose to (Remind you my nephew goes to school with sharp pencils all the time). So this has been going on for a while and she talked to him about it but obviously he doesnt know how to listen. That same day when he got home she whipped him and made him write until the pencil became small. He had to do that for a week while he brothers went outside to play. This shows how my sister used what he did wrong as a punishment to himself. Another example is when a child writes all over the walls. When they dont listen, the parent should make them write on paper and make them clean the walls for maybe 2 days or a week. Personally i would make the child write again on the wall and clean it and continue to do so until they get the point. beating your children dont always help. It can lead to abuse and there will be a time where the child doesnt feel scared anymore from the beatens and thats when it leads to the child doing what ever they want.

Parents NEED to show thier child love. With out love the child acts out and its not healthy because as they get older they will look for the attention is ways that can harm them. Love is like watering a garden. It makes a child happy. I feel parents should listen to thier child because there are times where children speak and parents go uh huh yeah ok i see. They dont conversate with them and that effects them on the low. It may not be a hug thing to a parent but it is very essential. There is nothing wrong with showing love to a child. play with them. It brings more connection between the two.

The bestest thing about the way i was raised is that i need to earn what i get. When ever i was bad i wouldnt get what i wanted to that made me be good and i was able tp get good things. (things i wanted). not only did they teach me that, my mother would give me a look, instead of hit me when i did something wrong. when she gave me thag look i just stopped doing the bad things because that look is no joke. She taught me to be respectful and told me how i need to act when im not around her. She did very good in pareanting me.

h.w 56

1) What are the benefits of being someones friend before jumping into a romantic relationship?

A) The benefits of being someones friend before being in a relationship is that You get to know the person more and how they would react to certain things..but when ur friends with someone u don't show how u really are usually changes when ur in a relationship

B) I guess you get to know the person better. You get to figure out a lot of stuff about them and then decide of the person is good for you. If you just jump into a relationship, you will not be educated about your partners likes and dislikes and their background. What if they are just playing around and want something out of this relationship just for them self.

C) The advantages of being friends first is that you get have a different understanding of the person and when you are in a romantic relationship there with someone there will be less "fakeness" between you too. Both of you will be less likely to act a certain way to impress each other because you kind of have a sence of who each other is.

2) How do you know when you fully know a person?

A) You can tell when u fully know a person cuz just by the facial expressions they make or how there acting u can tell how there feeling...or when someone ask you a question about them u can asnwer quickly

B)When you are able to connect with them in many ways, and you are able to easily describe them. You need to know their likes and dislikes. You also need to know about their friends and family to be able to know who they really are.

C) I think you can never fully know who someone is. You can understand the person they portray themselves as. Closer friends might be able to distenguish between the self you portray and the self you are less likely to show most people. Even closer friends understand how you think and even if you react to a situation a certain way they know if that's how you really feel or if that is just how you are pretending to act.

3) What do you feel is the #1 key to a happy relationship regardless if it is friend or aqaintance based?

A)The number one key is honesty and trust

B)hmmm, thats a hard question. I guess the number one key to a happy relationship would be total honesty. If you have a relationship filled with a lot of lies then the relationship is fake, and your just too afraid to face the truth. Then later on when your partners finds out about the lies it will cause many problems.

C) Most people would say trust automatically to answer this question. In theory trust is very important but people can say they trust people but may not truly ans fully trust someone.


May 14, 2010

H.W 55 Research Question/Topic

TOPIC: Friends

QUESTION: What is a true friend?

Henry-your question is over all good. Is your question basically asking, what is the difference between the two? maybe you should focus on either one because it is a hug topic and can be argued in many ways. Its as if what balances the two.

Jia MIn-Your question makes perfect sense and is very specific. It focuses on one thing and i cant wait to read your paper.

Revised Question- (Based on peoples suggestions in class, mostly sam): What responsibilities Must a True Best Friend Have?

"Best Friend Quotes". Indian Child. 5/12/10 .

Montana, Hannah. "HANNAH MONTANA LYRICS". AZ lyrics. 5/12/10 .

Stevenson, Jessica. "How To Find True Friends". Nw York Times Company. 5/13/10 .

Hammack , Aubrey . "16 Ways to Show You Are a True Friend ". Authors Den. 5/13/10 .

May 10, 2010

H.W 54


outgoing, social, attention seeking, emotional, loving, organized, comfortable around others, involved, open, hyperactive, complimentary, punctual, considerate, altruistic, easily hurt, religious, neat, content, positive, affectionate, image conscious, good at getting people to have fun, easily excited, perfectionist, assertive, ambitious, leader, hard working, seductive, touchy, group oriented, anti-tattoos

ENFJ - "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Before i took the test i really wasnt in the mood because i didn't feel like thinking. i guess thats because im guilty of never thinking about who i really am. i never sit down and say to myself, "who am i?" When i thought that question before taking the survey i felt like the survey might get me upset but instead it did make me think and it felt good to think about it. i enjoyed taking the test and i feel like it took me some time to answer the questions. i really ned to start analyzing myself for now on.

I guessed my friends score and i guessed everything correct. In class after we broke it down about what each other meant, i thought about how she acted and applied the letters to her. Her score was ESFJ. Getting everything right felt reallt good and shows me i pay more attention to her than i do for myself. So overall the test does seem more accurate than others.

May 4, 2010

h.w 52

Many people are connected in ways we have never thought of. its mainly called networking. But i really dont understand the true meaning to all the relationships we have and how they are significant in ones life. So to try to get a better understanding i broke it down in ways that i think will help me get a BETTER understanding.

Everyone has a goal and what drives them to want to achieve that goal is motivation. Motivation is having inspiration to do or complete something and are ready to do is. I have many goals and the first one as of now is to graduate and get into college. what motivates me is seeing those who succed and those who did not. Those who suceed seem like they know know what they wanted in life, went for it and are now living happy and thier career is going well. Those who didnt fully do what they want to do are doing things just so they can have income, not really happy with thier jobs or either on the treats. thats what i dont want to be so it motivates me to do well because its worth it. I want a career. not a job. many people in society drive to become successful and be rich or happy. That is because when your rich you can get what you want whenever you want. These motives come from what they have observed in life as well as i did.

My views on life are very much different from other peoples views on life and certain situations. I like to look at things through many different views, mostly in an optimistic view because negativity (as i experienced) is not good for the soul. I guess another reason i try to look at everything positive is because i believe in god and i know that he will handle any situation he has put you in. Its as if the more negative a person is, negative things happen to them.

One time my friend said she knew a boy who did something wrong and it hurted his girlfriend. so before she can fully forgive him she told him to write a poem for her and he did just that. Now as for me i think thats adorable because he messed up and is giving her what she wants so they can be back on track. its rare that a boy will do that. some will not because they may feel it interferes with thier ego which is stupid now a days. other people may look at the boy as a punk because he is doing what ever his girlfriend tells him. They will assume that based off this situation. Its a possibilty many girls would want a boy who does that because its not common.

I feel as if views come from ones surroundance and experience. If you had an experience in life then you will be effected by it and that will determine your views on anything else in life. For example if one has been neglected as a child or didnt have the love from both parents, then as they grow up they will either be the ones starving for attention all the time or the quiet one with no friends. Thier views on life will be based off of what has happened in thier life. Also if one has always been hurt in relationships and lied to they will feel like everyone is like that. thier views on relationships will be negative because of thier past relationships. So by relizing all this everyones views on life really comes from relationships we are in and the ones we see or dont see.

Apr 26, 2010

H.w 49

Our class did not successfully complete our movie so instead I watched Esthers Class film. But for our film I heard and read other peoples blogs about it and it would have been really cool if we finished it because it was different. From my understanding in our film the moral was to try and you will succeed. What you put in is what comes out at the end.
In the film the teacher is an alcoholic and dreams about being a teacher that changes the lives of his students likes most of the savior/teacher films we watched in class. Instead when he wakes up, he is rude to his students and was not teaching at all. It feels as if the reason he left is because he didn’t succeed in teaching like in his dream.
This is different but similar to some of the films we watched. Its very similar to Dead poets society because in the teachers dream he tried to change his students life with poetry. The major difference in this film compared to others is that the teachers never left their students life. He walked out the classroom indicating he does not care what they learn or what ever they do because he doesn’t even want to be there. In all if the savior/teacher films, the teachers did not bring their own problems into class and walking out on them was the last thing the even thought about. But wait another difference in this film the kids actually want to learn which were not how the students were in the films we seen. The roles were switched.
I cannot speak for our society but in School of the future the teachers want us to pass. They teach us for the future and now. They do try to change our lives by making us think in different ways and I do respect that. There was a time where a teacher did stop teaching when the class got out of control. When that happened a student who wanted to learn yelled (This is very common in our classes) for the class to chill. Basically this scenario was most common in all of the savior/teacher films. The class listened to a classmate who was the leader. I feel like teachers teach for a reason but I think teachers need to teach how to learn.

HW 51

I have done plenty of research on what makes schools works and how they can be improve so students can benefit more from the academic programs. I’ve read a few chapters of Schools That Work, America’s Most Innovative Public Education by George H. Wood and I came to an understanding that besides the fact of what’s being done in schools it’s all about how its done. We always here about the positive intake on the education system but here we have 3 people who go against it and an interview on Mr. Manly, a current high school student at School Of The Future.

There are different types of ways to teach. We have the Progressive Groovy educational system and the tradition system. In the progressive groovy system kids are taught through discussion rather than textbooks (The Traditional way). Instead kids are more project based and teacher and students are more involved with each other. The Traditional way is the structure that has a planned curriculum that goes by the book. Another way of teaching that Lisa Delpit mentioned in Silenced Dialogue was Distar lessons. In this lesson teaching was slow so all kids can understand. She didn’t argue it but it "provided an opportunity for those who already knew the content to exhibit that they knew it." So in other words this method was successful for the "Cultural of power". This lesson & the groovy way of teaching doesn’t succeed for many other students who are not in the cultural power. (Basically African Americans were still failing). She heard schools "call parents uncaring when parents respond to the schools urging saying, but that’s the schools job". They think of them as uncaring because the parents have to teach their children things that need to be learned at home, "in order to survive in their communities." So she believes students need to be taught codes that will be valuable in the American Life. When kids are not being taught this "what it feels like to people who are old enough to judge is that there are secrets being kept, that time is being wasted". There are times when a child/student feels like their time is being wasted and it having that mentality will not motivate the student to pass. Like she said, "This sense of being cheated can be so strong that the student may be completely turned off to the educational system." This is the lead to why 52% of African American Men are not succeeding in white dominant educational system. The reason she came up with the culture of power was by analyzing the themes presented in schools. The 5 things she observed was the power of the institute, ones self, Those who succeed, One can only understand their culture. and those in power will not acknowlege it but one who is not in power will determine who is.

After reading her entire artcle i feel as if she is right about everything said. This is because i am personally experiencing. Everything being said. The only way i can put my all into school is if i can connect to the topic and it is taught in a way that will interest me. Like Lisa said, you must engage the student for them to gain motivation to succeed. The distar lesson was a surprise to me. I never really thought about it but it is important. When kids are going to a school, the teacher automatically feels like all the kids are on the same level, which is not the case. For both my junior high school and high school. I did not take a placement test. For CUNY i must take one. That shows how the teachers at CUNY’s know that everyone is not at the same level and will be in a class with everyone else that is. When i was at a information session for my college New York City College of technology one of my professors said a student will not move on to a more advanced math class until he or she can understand the basics of everything. Basically he is saying they will take their time and make sure you UNDERSTAND everything you know and not just MEMERIZE. So by reading the article with Lisa, my own personal experiences and by listening to one of my professors, Schools need to expand the cultural power and have more than one race be apart of the decision making cause as the world can see, those who make the rules are the only one who can truly succeed.

Another person who disagree with the way things are being taught is Jon taylor Gatto. In the article The .six-Lesson school teacher, He believes their are 6 lessons being taught "from Harlem to hollywood". The main 6 lessons are -

-stay where you are put
-be involved in thier (Teahcers) lesson
-do what you are told
-Curriculum will be determined by the teacher
-Grades are made to evaluate you, so dont trust yourself.

His lessons are based off of the traditional way of teaching. He has won teacher of the year so he should know the real educational system since the culture of power nominated him. Like he said, "I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know".

After knowing his 6 lessons its clear that students have less power in the schooling system. Our say doesn’t matter I guess this is because the adults knows what’s best right? The way they set it up like Lisa said, only the cultural power can succeed through that. I can't deal with that because I'm not in the their culture which makes me aware it. So with Gatto saying students have no power it makes one think, what is truly the best thing for EVERYONE.

Next, according to chapter 2 of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Fieire believes students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. This is also known as the banking concept. Besides that he feels like the "education is suffering from narration sickness." The teacher is always narrating giving students insignificant information, like Lisa mentioned. "The students records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases with out perceiving what four times four really means..." Students are like robots jotting down what ever the teacher said, like Gatto believed.

I feel like the banking concept is what makes students fail. School is make for learning but instead we are just being told what to do, limited with our creativity, lack of knowledge and not understanding how the concepts we are learning can be applied in the American Way of Life. A story told by one of my professors was there was an internship job at the MTA and so he sent the student with a 3.75 GPA. Soon ad they told him to do something the student was nervous and did not know what to fully do. So he did not get the internship. Instead the student with the 2.7 GPA got it because he knew what he was doing and was relaxed. So therefore remembering what and how things are done are not a way for students to succeed in life. Students need to fully understand and teachers and students need to communicate more with each other so everyone understands what’s going on and the teacher can self evaluate on them so they can improve. Learning is not a one-way stream.

Last but not least I interviewed Tim Manley, my High school teacher at School Of The Future in Lower Manhattan. I asked many questions and the that made him go more in depth was, What is more of a effective, groovy or traditional? He then. Said. "It is a hug debate. There is no right answer because traditional might work for some people. It should be a mixture but it really depends on the students but at the end school wants you to teach a certain way."

Since he said schools want teachers to teach a certain way, students are stuck in the system. Either you deal with it or don’t. If you want to succeed then you have to deal with it. I had Mr. Manley for 2 years and I can say that I like the way he teaches. What he teaches makes me think outside of school and does impact my life. We are able to be very creative but I do feel like we still need structure. Being both creative and structural will help us succeed in writing papers in the future and knowing how to speak. If everyone can join ideas then I think our school system will empower everyone and not just the cultural power.

Ted Seizer is like the grandfather of School Of The Future. Basically using the habits of mind creates students into critical thinkers. It seems as if he feels it's all about the process of how we think. One thing leads to another, known as the Process. He wants students to get taught what’s interested to them. For example in Faculty Shack Chats with Ted seizer the faculty asked,

FACULTY SHACK: And to give students a product that they wanted that would engage them in the kind of thinking that you wanted them to do?

SEIZER: Right.

So overall his theory is not what is taught but how it is taught. Unlike Seizer E. D. Hirsch's idea is that Knowing stuff will help you understand. You need to know a certain amount of information in order to achieve. So it’s really the opposite of Seizers idea. Hirsch theory generated from his sons principal. He went to complain to the principal and his reply was,

“Our kids don’t need to learn about the Civil War. What they are learning at P.S. 87 is how to learn about the Civil War."

This is the similar theory to the way Hirsch wants students to think. It's all about the Product!!!

SO in conclusion its all about how things are being done in our schools.

Apr 25, 2010

H.W 50 (response to a set of readings)

I have done plenty of research on what makes schools works and how they can be improve so students can benefit more from the academic programs. I’ve read a few chapters of Schools That Work, America’s Most Innovative Public Education by George H. Wood and I came to an understanding that besides the fact of what’s being done in schools its all about how its done. We always here about the positive intake on the education system but here we have 3 people who go against it and an interview on Mr. Manly, a current high school student at School Of The Future.

There are different types of ways to teach. We have the Progressive Groovy educational system and the tradition system. In the progressive groovy system kids are taught through discussion rather than textbooks (The Traditional way). Instead kids are more project based and teacher and students are more involved with each other. The Traditional way is the structure that has a planned curriculum that goes by the book. Another way of teaching that Lisa Delpit mentioned in Silenced Dialogue, was Distar lessons. In this lesson teaching was slow so all kids can understand. She didnt argue it but it "provided an opportuniy for those who already knew the content to exhibit that they knew it." So in other words this method was successful for the "Cultural of power". This lesson & the groovy way of teaching doesnt succed for many other students who are not in the cultural power. (Basically african americans were still failing). Sheheard schools "call parents uncaring when parents respod to the schools urging saying, but thats the schools job". They think of them as uncaring because the parents have to teach thier children things that need to be learned at home, "in order to survive in thier communities." So she believes students need to be taught codes that wil be valuable in the American Life. When kids are not being taught this "what it feels like to people who are old enough to judge is that thiere are secrets being kept, that time is being wasted". There are times when a chil/ student feels like thier time is being wasted and it having that mentality will not motivate the student to pass. Like she said, "This sense of being cheated can be so strong that the student may be completely turned off to the educational system." This is the lead to why 52% of African American Men are not succeeding in white dominant educational system. The reason she came up with The culure of power was by analyzing the themes presented in schools. The 5 things she observed was the power of the institue, ones self, Those who succeed, One can only understand their culture. and those in power will not acknowlege it but one who is not in power will determine who is.

After reading her entire artile i feel as if she is right about everything. This is because i am personally experiencing. Everying veing said. The only way i can put my all into school is if i can connect to the topic and it is taught in a way that will interest me. Like Lisa said, you must engage the student for them to gain motivation to suceed. The distar lesson was a suprise to me. I never really thought about it but it is important. When kids are going to a school, the teacher automatically feels like all the kids are on the same level, which is not the case. For both my junior high school and highschool. I did not take a placement test. For CUNY i must take one. That shows how the teachers at cunys know that everyone is not at the same level and will be in a class with everyone else that is. When i was at a information session for my college New York City College of technology one of my professors said a student will not move on to a more advanced math class until he or she can understand the basics of everything. Basically he is saying they will take thier time and make sure you UNDERSTAND everything you know and not just MEMERIZE. So by reading the article with lisa, my own personal experiences and by listening to one of my professors, Schools need to expand the cultural power and have more than one race be apart of the decision making cause as the world can see, those who make the rules are the only one who can truly succeed.

Another person who disagree with the way things are being taught is Jon taylor Gatto. In the article The .six-Lesson school teacher, He believes their are 6 lessons being taught "from harlem to hollywood". The main 6 lessons are -

-stay where you are put
-be involved in thier (Teahcers) lesson
-do what you are told
-Curriculum will be determined by the teacher
-Grades are made to evaluate you, so dont trust yourself.

His lessons are based off of the traditional way of teaching. He has won teacher of the year so he should know the real educational system since the culture of power nominated him. Like he said, "I teach school and win awards doing it. I should know".

After knowing his 6 lessons its clear that students have less power in the schooling system. Our say doesnt matter i guess this is because the adults knows whats best right? The way they set it up like lisa said, only the cutural power can succeed through that. i can't deal with that because im not in the thier culture which makes me aware it it. So with gatto saying students have no power it makes one think, what is truly the best thing for EVERYONE.

Next, according to chapter 2 of the Pedagogy of the Oppresed, Paulo Fieire belives students are the depositories and the teacher is the depositor. This is also known as the banking concept. Besides that he feels like the "education is suffering from narration sickness." The teacher is always narrating giving students insignificant information, like Lisa mentioned. "The students records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases with out perceiving what four times four really means..." Students are like robots jotting down what ever the teacher said, like Gatto believed.

I feel like the banking concept is what makes students fail. School is make for learning but instead we are just being told what to do, limited with our creativity, lack of knowledge and not understadning how the concepts we are learning can be applied in the American Way of Life. A story told by one of my professors was there was an internship job at the MTA and so he sent the student with a 3.75 GPA. Soon ad they told him to do somwthing the student was nervous and did not know what to fully do. So he did not get the internship. Instead the student with the 2.7 GPA got it because he knew what he was doing and was relaxed. So therfore remembering what and how things are done are not a way for students to succeed in life. Students need to fully understand and teachers and students need to communicate more with eachother so everyone understands whats going on and the teacher can self evaluate on themselves so they can improve. Learning is not a one way stream.

Last but not least i intervied Tim Manley, my High school teacher at School Of The Future in Lower Manhattan. I asked many questions and the that made him go more in depth was, What is more of a effective, groovy or traditional? He then. Said. "It is a hug debate. There is no right answer because traditional might work for some people. It should be a mixture but it really depends on the students but at the end school wants you to teach a certain way."

Since he said schools want teachers to teach a certain way, students are stuck in the system. Either you deal with it or dont. If you want to suceed then you have to deal with it. I has Mr. Manley for 2 years and i can say that i like the way he teaches. What he teaches makes me think outside of school and does impact my life. We are able to be very creative but i do feel like we still need structure. Being both creative and structural will help us succeed in writing papers in the future and knowing how to speak. If everyone can join ideas then i think our school system will empower everyone and not just the cultural power.

Apr 8, 2010

H.W 47

Movie Ideas

-Instead of having trouble students who need a path direction, we should flip it instead where the students actually teach the teacher how to live.

-We should not start with a traffic scene scene. It should go right into action where the teacher is up to no good.

-everyone who looks like they fit a role should play a part that they dont look like they will typically fit

-the message of school should be, itz not whats done, itz how its done that effect people.

-instead of the teacher being doubted by others, he should doubt himself

Apr 6, 2010

H.W 46

Summary Of Text

The book i read was SCHOOLS THAT WORK America's Most Innovative Public Education Programs by George H. Wood, Ph.D. and it stated ways that make schools work. George personally went to schools that worked and what did not work.

Relation To Topic

My topic is how do schools works, What makes them successful? Schools that work hit right on the target for answering my question. Since George explains the actions, community and the way students learn, gives me an understanding of what needs to be done in order for schools to be successful at teaching.


Now after reading this book, i learned more then i thought. I realized the little things always counts. Community is a huge part of the success of a school. For example George went to may different schools but the one that stood out the most to me was Central Park East Secondary school. The school is located in Harlem, around the projects The neighborhood is dangerous but that does not the kids from going. "Your attention is always drawn inward, and for a while you forget the street outside." (pg 42). This was Georges reaction to the inside of the school so after i read it i came to a conclusion that a strong community is the key for a school to work. The school also has internal organizations outside of the school so the kids are always involved. It is a big school but they divide it into smaller sections depending on their grade levels. So that is another factor of making a school work, smaller classes. Now every other school may have small classes and a good community but it may not still work. Even though it does matter what students learn its about the teachers and parents being leaders and how its taught that makes students want to learn for themselves. Instead of making students rush with work, teachers need to take their time so students know what their learning instead of remember. that is what makes a school work. =)

Mar 15, 2010

Homework # 45 More big thoughts on school

Ted Sizer is like the grandfather of School Of The Future. Basically using the habits of mind creates students into critical thinkers. It seems as if he feels it's all about the process of how we think. One thing leads to another, known as the Process. He wants students to get taught whats interested to them. For example in Faculty Shack Chats with Ted sizer the faculty asked,

FACULTYSHACK: And to give students a product that they wanted that would engage them in the kind of thinking that you wanted them to do?

SIZER: Right.

So overall his theory is not what is taught but how it is taught. Unlike Sizer E. D. Hirsch's idea is that Knowing stuff will help you understand. You need to know a certain amount of information in order to achieve. So its really the opposite of Sizer idea. Hirsch theory generated from his sons principal. He went to complain to the principal and his reply was,

“Our kids don’t need to learn about the Civil War. What they are learning at P.S. 87 is how to learn about the Civil War."

This is the similar theory to the way Hirsch wants students to think. It's all about the Product!!!

Mar 8, 2010

Unorganize thoughts on obama's speech

NOtes on article with obama

-"put in the hard work it takes to succeed"

-Education will help you discover what your good at

-"Maybe you could be a good writer – maybe even good enough to write a book or articles in a newspaper – but you might not know it until you write a paper for your English class. Maybe you could be an innovator or an inventor – maybe even good enough to come up with the next iPhone or a new medicine or vaccine – but you might not know it until you do a project for your science class. Maybe you could be a mayor or a Senator or a Supreme Court Justice, but you might not know that until you join student government or the debate team."

-"You’ve got to work for it and train for it and learn for it."

-education is your first step to achieve anything.

-If you discover what your good at, why must students continue with a subject they may never need to use? if they continue to fail the class, that will reflect negative grades, which is not fair.

-"you’re quitting on your country. " One for all, all for one

-"But at the end of the day, the circumstances of your life – what you look like, where you come from, how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home – that’s no excuse for neglecting your homework or having a bad attitude. That’s no excuse for talking back to your teacher, or cutting class, or dropping out of school. That’s no excuse for not trying." Is there ever an excuse??

Journal About School

My earliest memory of school is when i was in pre-k. We always went outside to ride bikes, which was my favorite thing to do. All the bikes looked alike but i always wanted the one with the cool seat. My strongest image is when I was in 8th grade. My teacher wanted me to go to the honors class but i refused because i felt like the work was good for me. I felt as if i moved classes i would lose my friends because they probably would of thought i was better then them. As of now i feel like there is no purpose to school because i don't feel like i'm learning anything really.

Feb 16, 2010

H.W 40


1) How would you make school fun?

(Steff, Teen, Female, Hispanic) Id make school fun by having more time in between classes, instead of making boring lectures i would make funny power points, and movies that keeps everyone entertained but still teaches everyone something. I would also make sure that everything connects to something that everyone finds interesting such as math problems connecting to the cost of the newest Jordan's or anything that relates to something fun.

(Mom, Adult, Female, African American) Play music during P.E, Create a ten-minute break for each class to go the bathroom and stretch our legs.

(Meesha, Teen, Female, African American) Listen to music during lunch and cell phones to call our parents in case of emergencies.

FOLLOW UP: Why do you want to listen to music during lunch? How would that change anything

People would have more fun rather than be bored

(Te’Von, Teen, Male, African American) I would make my school..Edward R Murrow more giving kids back there Optas (Optional time activities) and allowing kids to have a bit more freedom...freedom meaning allowing us to go get lunch outside of school with no issues and not being harassed by deans...

(Christina, Teen, Female, Hispanic) if I could make school fun, we could make school work more about things in our life so it gives us a more realistic out look on work and will be more into the classes and have more fun.

2) How would your feelings change if you can construct your own curriculum? what would you change?

(Steff, Teen, Female) I personally wouldn't trust myself making my own curriculum but curriculum that is entertaining and relates to something i want to learn about would be better then some of the things i am learning right now. I would change though how we learn pointless math that we forget the next month, and how we read documents about the same topic that just gives us the same facts just written differently.

FOLLOW UP: How does the school hours effect you?

It would also help if the amount of hours spent on homework was changed, teachers shouldn't give us work that’s going to take 3 hrs to do unless its a project that is given over a long period of time. Not getting enough sleep effects how much information we retain.

(Mom, Adult, Female) Change school hours to 10am-2:30pm, giving us extra sleep time in the morning. Also longer hours seem to cause stress on students which is a negative effect on school work, students tend to lose focus and that effects grades so shorter periods of time is better.

(Meesha, Teen, Female) Less students for each class to get a better learning experience and more attention from the teachers.

FOLLOW UP: How can that make learning better?

It helps people focus more and people would actually want to learn more and have a better bond with the teachers instead of catching an attitude if the teacher cant help them.

(Te’von, Teen, Male) umm my feelings would probably be more excitement towards skool because I’m able to choose my lessons and I believe I can make a lot of
kids want to come to class because of the lessons I would help provide..what would I change...the whole set up really...mix it up sometimes

(Christina, Teen, Female) I think I would feel relaxed if I could make my own curriculum, if I could change it I would make it based on how I learn and how I work. I
could make it so participation isn't worth so much because I don't feel comfortable saying answers out loud cuz, I would make hw worth more because it shows that u go home and study what you just learned, and it shows that at least u try. I wouldn't make test and quizzes worth so much because not every ones on the same level on taking test and quizzez.

3) How has education contributed to your life?

(Steff, Teen, Female) Education has definitely made me appreciate everything i have and how i shouldn't take simple things such as desk and books for granted. Education has also made me realize that no matter where you come from or what your involved in you can become who ever you want to be as long as you set your mind to it (it sounds corny but its true)

FOLLOW UP: Was there a time in your life where you wanted to give up? You thought life and school was useless? If so what changed your state of mind?
I always thought it was useless until I realized that high school effected which college you can get into.... so I changed my attitude and striven for good grades and lessen the amount of trouble I got into.

(Mom, adult, Female) It gave me parenting skills, social skills, and to be a good person.

(Meesha, Teen, female) It has taught me to be prepared for college and adult responsibilities in the future and to stay focus at all times.

(Te’von, Teen, Male) ahh man...umm Education Plays a big Factor in my life...just knowing things with the experience provided from schools are huge and can play a
big factor in anyones lives..I have 4 little brothers that look up to if I chose the path not to go to school or stay in a certain educated state of mind then that would effect them negatively...I like participating in class room activities and I like to feel like I’m above in my work inside and outside the classroom

(Christina, Teen, Female) education contribute to my life because as I look around and see things when I see a word or something I know what it is and I don't have
to wonder what's the things around me in my world because I know from going to school.

4) How do you think students should be graded? Why?

(Steff, Teen, Female) Well i do know students shouldn't be graded off of test and quizzes they make some people nervous and a lot of kids are just bad test takers, so there future shouldn't be based off of pointless questions. I guess students should be graded off of projects and how they contribute to the class and if they try to understand and retain all the information that they are taught.

FOLLOW UP: What about school stresses you the hell out?

Knowing that every little thing we do in school is watched and graded is stressful, your always trying to make a good impression but then there are days that your just done with all the work and don't want to be bothered and that day is the day your grade drops 3 points because you forgot 1 assignment... school shouldn't be based off the way you act in the halls or outside.

(Mom, adult, Female) They should be graded according to their work or lack of work, so that you'll know how much the student understands or not understand.

(Meesha, Teen, Female) Students should be graded on what they learn in school by giving them quizzes at the end of the week

(Te’von, Teen, Male) umm lol I believe students should just be Graded on participation. Not H.w or test because not everyone is the best test taker..and u can copy h.w from anyone..but if u participate when the teacher asks u a question that proves that you know the answer with no help..but reading can't hurt a bit just to know what you are talking about:)

(Christina, Teen, female) I think every student should be graded individually, because everyone is different and one curriculum can't please every kids differences.


i picked the top 5 interviewees for this because many others did not think they way i asked them too. While i was asking them, they said broad statements and when i asked follow up questions, Some seemed annoyed because i wanted them to go deeper for themselves and to spark new ideas of interest but with majority of them, They did not. So thank you guys for actually thinking and giving back very good and spicy answers. =)

What i find most interesting about the answers that everyone gave me was
how students should be grades. Everyone gave out very good points. I can't disagree with one of them and it makes me wonder how can students or government change it so everyone can be graded fair. But then again what is fair? Are we supposed to be graded on how much we know, how our minds are progressing? or If we are able to do the work that teachers give us? Its impossible for grades to be accurate if there are so many kids (With different levels of learning) being graded together.

Feb 8, 2010

H.W 39 First School Assignment

Class sizes

What's interesting to me is the relationship between teachers and students. The bonds are very unique. What makes it more fascinating is class sizes. I think its a plus for both and us students should take advantage of it. When i hear other people talk about their grades form other school, the statement i would usually say talk to your teacher and i know they will help you. i say this because of my experiences with my teachers. They would usually say my teachers doesn't care or the class is too big so they won't have time. When i hear that, i know that my school has something positive coming from it. So to me it feels as if larger classes has a less stronger bond between students and teachers.

The advantage for me is that i'm able to understand my work better because i have someone taking their time explaining it. its even better when i get along with the teacher because they know how i am as a student and my learning levels. They are able to understand me more and we can be on the same page. With a bigger class a teacher won't have time to go through baby steps trying to explain. i've always had small classes and learned a Lot. I also had good relationships with teachers and realized when i didn't have a good bond with one (This actually happened) i didn't learn as much and was struggling. So when i would talk to them because the bond wasn't so good, they would not care and would tell me anything, for me to figure it out on my own. So i'm that i have good relationships with my teachers and that would be the same for the majority of students and teachers in this school.

The disadvantages about good bonds between teachers and students is students will become addicted to being babied and not know how to learn on themselves. Not that some don't want to, we don't know how. for myself, im use to asking questions all the time for things i should know for myself, but ask anyway for reinsurance. When i get to college, im not going to be able to do that if i go to a larger school. My learning is made for small schools, not saying i can not handle the work from bigger classes, i just don't know how to learn in a bigger class environment. So these unique bonds can be a downfall for bigger classes in college.

Art Project

Untitled from jenise l on Vimeo.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?
This video integrates that getting good grades is coo. When you fail you shouldn't stoop any lower by getting influenced by others, instead you should study and do what ever you need to do to pass. That is what i want people to realize.

2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?
FIrst our group had many different ideas so at the end we decided to join them. One was to tell a story of how a girl fails and feel neglected because the teacher doesn't want to talk about the grades. The only people who pay attention to her is a group of kids who smoke and drink and because she feels emptiness she joins. The other idea was to turn what's not cool into cool, which is nerds. So at first these two ideas didn't make sense to put together but we made it so i did.

we changed he words "lip gloss" to "chap stick" because that would be considered cool to nerds, due to the fact they don't use lip gloss. Also chap stick would not be cool because it implies one has chap lips, where as lip gloss implies luscious seductive lips. so thats how we came up with your chap stick is poppin.

We did a group project and what i contributed was the idea of the film, determine angle directions, shot some scenes and edit film.

3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?
Yeah very much because there are no rules. There is no certain cool in making art because the same people you think is cool, may have different visions of cool. also one can tell if your trying to be cool so your real identity is betrayed through art.

Jan 4, 2010

H.W 32 Body Modification

Many people seem to get Body Modifications because it's obviously cool. Others say they get it to show how much they care about something. If i was to get a tattoo, i would get anything that symbolizes music or my mother or fathers name. As i'm writing this i'm asking myself why would i do that. The things running through my mind is that those are things i want apart of my life forever. When someone see's it, they automatically will know what's significant in my life. it's like they can know who i am with out even asking. I would not get a tattoo because it's considered cool. Personally, NOW i don't have time to try to impress others. If i'm not comfortable doing something, i won't do it. I do have my Tongue pierced and the reason i got that was because i was young and i thought it would be cool for me, Not to show off or get attention. People don't even know i have it unless i open my mouth wide which i don't do.

While browsing tattoo's i realized what Andy was talking about with people becoming characters. i actually forgot i was looking at humans. For instance here we have Wolverine, Claws and all! Now wouldn't you consider that cool!! i Mean who the hell does this? It's a well known character, different and draws much attention, the ingredients to being cool. By looking at him, i'm assuming you don't want to mess with him.

But besides Wolverine, guess who Santa left behind. Yes one of his elfs! Now why would you cut off the top of your ear to make ears like that. Either he was not happy with his ears or is desperately looking to be the elf in the mall around Christmas. Maybe he just want to express his personality through his looks. I honestly don't know why he would do that. This picture just caught my attention.

Now i asked my momma what she thought of this chick, "what the hell? That is crazy, she is screaming for attention...see me see me" Now mines was wow that looks hot but then i started thinking of the pain and stuff and it's not worth. I know for sure she got that to show off. the ribbon is pink! she wants to be known as the lace girl. She created her own character.

There are many other pictures i saw but those are what caught my attention the most. Piercing, tattooing, and changing your body is a way to make one feel good about themselves but with body modification, i feel it represents the character you want people to portray you as.